Sunday, October 5, 2008

A BIG Sorry and story of a DUDE(or maybe not much of a DUDE..go figure)

hello people....i know many of u had been anticipating new posts about my weird and intresting take on life....the amazing thing is there have been so much goin on lately and i mean like MAJOR changes in muh life tat my poor old blog has been left neglected.:(..but HEY!..look at the bright side! much has been happening means LOADS to tell u guys about my take on the always there are many out there that do not agree wit my views but THIS IS MY BLOG so deal with it;)..on another note i would like to qoute my bro bryan's sayin(the dude in the pic on the right) that "there's no such thing as bad publicity" which is really true...i mean think about it....when someone's bitching or sayin shit about u....that SOMEONE'S (its a dude)actually wasting their freakin time of thier sad and lonely lives giving a shit about what u say or do or dress or blah blah blah...anyway im not gonna go down the same SAD route and blog about why i hate this person or that person.(a DUDE..yes..a DUDE blogged about me)...personally it sounds like that burn book in that chic flick a few years back...i mean in REALITY even girls settle their scores trough at least a freakin phone call.....but i guess the world never ceases to amaze us...i mean think about it people for one sad can ur life be that u BLOG about someone u dont like to make ur self feel better???i mean why the fuck would ur readers even care???..they are not emotionally attached to u(except maybe frens but do u have any tat fit the word???)...a blog is about spreading ur ideas and thoughts (sometimes TWISTED.....JEREMY how about starting a BLOG BRO???....LOL)about aspects of life and stuff....not a portal of misery...but i guess thats wat some 'DUDES' use blogs for..btw sorry to other bloggers out there..i am farely amateur in this feild..but dun ya think its a little sad as well to blog about EVERYTHING in ur life.??? the everyday stuff u do that rest of us do...(we all eat,club, and chill at some point of our lives) hell yeah blogs are meant for any sorta use.. i dun know about u guys... but i do think its mighty scary when someone blogs about their trip to a 'goverment office'....i mean..does someone actually read that kinda crap?? diffrent can ur experience of takin a freakin number and waitin in line for ur ID be from mine??????! i mean seriously is that suppose to make you cool??? LOL!!!!..i mean HEY if ur lindsay lohan OR A LOCAL EXAMPLE like SHARIFAH ARMANI's trip to take her ID(i would not use a dude as an example coz well..err..u get muh drift) it would sell..but ur just a weird and lonely everyday DUDE ...ermm...DOESNT WORK....anyway...this is the story of the DUDE that blogged about me when he was unhappy with me.....i was just as suprised but HEY.....this world is undoubtly filled with STRANGE people....when i tried to make contact and confront HIm like A MAN would ..well..HE turned into a 14 year old chic..wait a min,...even she would have some sorta guts to at least pick up a phone...hmm i cant use any example ..not even chics ..coz HE just completely blew off the 'pussyness scale' and set a record his dog be proud i highlighted all the masculine words such as DUDE,HIM,HE,coz it had to be lent from the rest of us 'guys' to be used on 'IT'...SO YEA..THATS THE STORY....mayb i my self just blogged back about the 'IT' that started it which in turns mean im in the same boat as 'IT'???..hmm thats left for u people to ponder..but as long u enjoy ur read through this train of words and leave wit a smile and be in that'omg i thought i was sad,and wierd' mode ..that be more than enough for me....but remember 'IT' has got the bases covered for 'sadness' 'lonliness' and 'WEIRDNESS' and 'PUSSYNESS'(if such a term exists) the rest of u..PLEASE STOP TRYING to beat 'IT; at it (lol). I be back real soon with weirder insights of 'everyday 'life(but surely not my trip to the id office or some sorta mundane thing we all been through ...i mean at least for the rest of 'us'...........mundane must have been 'exciting' for 'IT')..since so much has been goin on since the first post..;) usual im not correctiong my typos...(.if there were any) coz thats the way i am...take it as the flavour of the month of this blog and u be fine;) do leave comments though as its a catalyst that spurs my cacophony of thoughts to come up wit nonsence people would actually read(i think lol)....chiow fer now....peace...